In-Person Appointments Now Available

Over the past two years, COAERS has greatly expanded its offerings to members, making all services, resources, and events readily available and easily accessible in the virtual environment. In this next phase of our operations plan, the System is pleased to announce that our offices are now open for in-person services on an appointment-only basis.
Members will have the ability to schedule in-person service appointments such as one-on-one retirement counseling with a Member Services Specialist at our office. In addition to inperson counseling appointments, members will also be able to schedule short in-person appointments for general inquiries, form submissions and requests.
COAERS Virtual Visits - our secure, online one-on-one counseling sessions for members, will continue to remain as a top service available to members. Virtual Visits allow COAERS members to meet with a Member Services Specialist from the comfort of your home or office through secure, video and telephone conferencing. Just like in-person office visits, members can use Virtual Visits to learn about benefits, receive personalized estimates, process requests, and review benefit payment options and more.
Again, it is important to note that the in-person services will be provided by appointment only; at this time, walk-in appointments will not be accepted. However, if you need to drop off documents, our new drop box is located in front of our office at 6836 Austin Center Blvd, Suite 190 and is available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm.
COAERS remains steadfast in our commitment to serving members and fulfilling our mission to provide promised benefits while successfully carrying out business operations. To schedule an in-person appointment, members can email, call (512) 458-2551, or scan the QR code shown here.