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Austin City Council Appoints Dr. Kelly Crook to Place 3 on the COAERS Board of Trustees

August 30, 2021

AUSTIN, TX – The City of Austin Employees’ Retirement System (COAERS) is pleased to welcome the appointment of Dr. Kelly Crook to the System’s Board of Trustees. Dr. Crook will replace Ms. Stephanie Beach for the Place 3 position, one of two positions on the COAERS Board appointed by the Austin City Council. Dr. Crook’s appointment was approved by the City Council during its August 26 meeting.

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Dr. Kelly Crook

Dr. Crook currently serves as an Associate Professor of Practice at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy. She brings a breadth of experience in the public service and financial environment. In 2011, Dr. Crook was named the first female superintendent of Del Valle ISD and served in the role for eight years. Her financial acumen and long-range planning expertise stems from her experience serving for six years as the Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations and two years as Director of Accountability for Del Valle ISD.

We give sincere thanks to Ms. Beach for her dedicated service to the COAERS Board on behalf of the City of Austin and look forward to Dr. Crook’s contributions as a COAERS Trustee.


COAERS is governed by an 11-member Board of Trustees that provides oversight and sets policy for the retirement system. It is comprised of four elected active City of Austin employees, two retired employees, two City Council appointed citizens, one Board appointed citizen, one City Manager designee, and one City Council member. The Place 3 position term expires December 2024.




Media Contact
Mehrin Rahman, Communications Specialist